Wherever in Den Bosch you are:
Our courier will be there within 45 minutes,
and often (much) faster!

We pick up within half an hour (with max. 15-minute spout) each shipment.
With appropriate transport it goes directly to place of destination.
Less hurry is possible too, and of course a lot cheaper!

Determine the speed of your shipment

    Shipment *


    Weight *

    Pick up *

    Delivery *

    Delivery Speed *

    Pick-Up address *

    Delivery address *

    Name *


    Email address *

    Phone number


    During office hours you get IMMEDIATE response to your request!

    A courier in Den Bosch who is always on time: no challenge but a promise!

    From suitcases to herring barrels. From simple courier orders to sensitive (policy) pieces and tailor-made transports. Easy2send specializes in emergency assignments, same day deliveries and worldwide express.

    Your shipment will be picked up within 30 to 45 minutes and driven directly to the destination at home or abroad. Depending on the car to be used and the distance, the fare is determined. After delivery of your shipment, you will receive the delivery details via our website or our planning.

    Our planning and 300 couriers are at your service.

    We’ll deliver everything from A to wherever B is. At home and abroad. With passion and craftsmanship. Also in the field of specialty cargo & logistics. Specialized in fast transport.

    Passend transport
    Koerier binnen 3 kwartier

    Overal in Nederland binnen 45 minuten onze koerier bij uw ophaaladres

    Realtime Track & Trace

    Realtime transportinformatie via track en trace of per mail

    Gratis offerte

    Voor elke snelheid en afstand de scherpste tarieven. Al vanaf € 0,39 / km

    Choose us, you choose guarantees!

    • Within 45 minutes, anywhere in the Netherlands